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IGI President Joins Board of Mercury Free Mining

August 24, 2021  |  Rapaport News

RAPAPORT… Mercury Free Mining (MFM) has appointed Avi Levy, the North America president of the International Gemological Institute (IGI), to its board of directors.

Together with MFM, Levy will actively campaign to eliminate mercury use in mining through education and funding research that explores alternative methods, IGI said Monday. Levy’s new position is part of an effort by IGI to advance its sustainability efforts.

“As we learn more every day about the threat climate change poses to our planet, we at IGI know — for this historically mining-based industry — it is crucial the gemological community restores the environment and combats pollution,” said Levy. “As a lifelong learner, I am inspired by sustainable advances being made within the sector and happy to be collaborating with Mercury Free Mining as a board member and be part of the solution.”

MFM was launched in 2017 to find alternatives to the use of mercury in mining. Currently, 37% of the world’s mercury emissions are a result of artisanal and small-scale gold mining, according to United Nations Environment Programme data that IGI cited.

Image: Avi Levy. (International Gemological Institute)


IGI President Joins Board of Mercury Free Mining

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