David Prager Replaces Stephen Lussier as NDC Chair

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The National Diamond Council (NDC) has appointed De Beers executive David Prager as chairman to succeed Stephen Lussier, who is stepping down.

Prager has been an active participant with the NDC for the past three years and was named as a board director at the end of 2022.

“David is perfectly placed to support the future growth of the NDC,” said CEO David Kellie.

Lussier is the longest-serving member of the NDC board. The council credits the longtime De Beers executive with bringing together competitors from the mining sector to form the NDC — formerly the Diamond Producers Association (DPA) — in 2015 as a global marketing forum for natural diamonds. Lussier also served as a bridge between the organization’s management team and its six member companies.

Lussier retired from De Beers earlier this year but continued to serve on the NDC’s board to ensure a smooth transition for the new chair, Kellie said.

“[Lussier’s] passion for building the desire for natural diamonds is unmatched in our industry and his experience and knowledge of the industry has been pivotal to the success of the NDC,” Kellie said.

“As the only remaining original member of the founding board, it’s been a great honor to serve as chair and help contribute to the incredibly important work of the NDC,” Lussier added. “Consumer desire for diamonds and consumer demand for diamond jewelry are the foundation upon which our industry is built, and the work of the NDC is pivotal in maintaining and building this consumer desire.”

Image: David Prager. (De Beers)

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David Prager Replaces Stephen Lussier as NDC Chair

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