Note from the Publisher

May 31, 2022  |  Martin Rapaport


Welcome to the important June show issue of Rapaport Magazine.

Our “State of the Diamond Industry” cover story highlights three vital areas of concern that are impacting our industry. The Russian invasion and resulting sanctions, economic transformation with surging inflation and higher interest rates, and the growing need for socially responsible ethical diamonds. It’s a must-read. These issues will also be presented at the Rapaport Breakfast and available online.

Synthetic man-made, lab-grown diamonds are also featured prominently in this issue. My own thoughts are that the big diamond brands will have to go with lab-grown melee now that Russian goods are off-limits. Regarding the bigger stones, at some stage, unlimited production and competition are going to drive their prices down even further. Jewelers are going to get caught with their pants down. Anyone want to buy back that $5,000 lab-grown diamond engagement ring?

I’m pleased to let you know we are working on our digital presence and building powerful new websites with extensive social media support.

Finally a shout-out to our advertisers. Do me, them and yourselves a favor. Get to know these fine companies and give them your business.

Looking forward to seeing you at the show.

[email protected]


Note from the Publisher

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