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Sara Yood to Become New CEO of JVC

June 19, 2024  |  Suzanne Watkin
Sara Yood JVC image

Tiffany Stevens has resigned as CEO of the Jewelers Vigilance Committee (JVC) after seven years. Sara Yood will succeed her. 

Stevens, who joined the JVC in 2017, will leave for an as-yet undisclosed position, the organization said Tuesday.  

Yood, who serves as deputy general counsel, began her career with the JVC in 2012. She has extensive knowledge of fashion and intellectual property law, legal compliance, anti-money-laundering regulations and responsible sourcing.  She will maintain her current duties along with her new role. 

The new JVC head is also a secretary of the board of directors of the US Kimberley Process Authority and is a participant in the Antiquities Coalition Financial Crimes Task Force. She will begin in her new position on June 24. 

“[Yood’s] passion, energy and astute legal skills, as well as her commercial understanding of our industry, will make her an excellent leader and take the JVC to the next level,” said JVC chairman Rebecca Foerster. “The JVC has gained significant momentum on the policy, educational, operational and membership aspects of the organization, and I am fully confident Sara and her team will continue that great trajectory. These are challenging times for our complex industry, and it’s absolutely crucial to have a leader who fully understands both the nuance of the laws we are subject to and the dynamics of our industry inside and out.”  

Image: Sara Yood. (Jewelers Vigilance Committee)

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Sara Yood JVC image Sara Yood to Become New CEO of JVC

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