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Supply-Chain Forum Achieves Charity Status

August 8, 2018  |  Rapaport News

RAPAPORT… The Jewelry Industry Summit has received tax-exempt status as
a charitable organization in the US.

The new classification means all donations and contributions
to the group are fully tax-deductible, it said Tuesday.

The organization has also reelected Cecilia Gardner, the
former CEO of the Jewelers Vigilance Committee (JVC), as chair. Mike Pace of
Connected Jewelry holds the position of vice chair, while Sara Yood, senior
counsel at the JVC, is corporate secretary.

“The elected and enthusiastic board of directors
representing all sectors of the trade continues the summit’s mission to engage
a wide community of jewelers seeking ways to improve and maintain the supply
chain for our products,” Gardner said.

The Jewelry Industry Summit will hold its next event in
California in September.


Supply-Chain Forum Achieves Charity Status

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