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Remote Learning the Focus of GIA 2021 Scholarships

February 4, 2021  |  Rapaport News

RAPAPORT… The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is offering $2 million in scholarships this year, with the funds available mainly for distance-learning courses due to the pandemic.

Prospective students around the world may apply, with the deadline falling on March 31 for all classes that start between June and December 2021, the GIA said Wednesday. On-campus availability is limited. The scholarship cycle is the first time the GIA has offered need-based scholarships, the organization added.

“In the previous scholarship application cycle, we received a record-breaking number of applications, which shows that now, more than ever, students are in need of financial support to transform their education goals into reality,” said Duncan Pay, GIA senior vice president of education and chief academic officer.

The GIA has awarded more than $15 million in scholarships since 2010, helping more than 3,000 students take part in educational programs at GIA locations around the world or through distance learning, it said.

Image: GIA graders. (GIA)


Remote Learning the Focus of GIA 2021 Scholarships

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