Message from President of Israel Diamond Exchange

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Rapaport is reproducing this letter sent by Boaz Moldawsky, president of the Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE), to industry members on Wednesday.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Five days ago, Israel was viciously attacked by a brutal Jihadist terrorist organization which committed heinous crimes against innocent men, women and children, massacring hundreds and abducting over 150 more. Thousands of missiles and rockets have rained down on our towns and cities and this continues as I write. So far, over 1,200 Israelis have lost their lives and 2,700 have been injured.

The Israeli army has launched a counterattack on Gaza. Many of my colleagues in the Israeli diamond industry have lost friends and loved ones, and many others were called up to reserve duty to defend our country.

The people of Israel are facing an extremely difficult time, but we firmly believe in the power of the Israeli army, the strongest military in the region. Israel stands united and determined to win this war against our fanatic neighbors.

As president of the Israel Diamond Exchange, I would like to say how much we appreciate the support we are receiving from the world diamond industry and thank you all for your kind and caring thoughts and deeds.

Boaz Moldawsky
Israel Diamond Exchange

Image: The Israel Diamond Exchange. (Shutterstock)

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Message from President of Israel Diamond Exchange

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