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IGI to Issue Grading Reports for Moissanite

May 26, 2024  |  Leah Meirovich

The International Gemological Institute (IGI) will begin issuing grading reports for moissanite through a partnership with jewelry company Charles & Colvard. 

The certificates, which will cover both loose gemstones and moissanite jewelry, will feature unique identifiers that tie them back to each laser-inscribed stone, IGI said last week. The lab will use the same 4Cs used for diamond grading — cut, clarity, carat and color — as well as specific grading measures Charles & Colvard has created. 

“This strategic alliance will bring unparalleled transparency and accountability regarding the quality of moissanite gemstones. We believe our new certifications will allow consumers, retailers, and distributors to further validate the quality and value of our gems while helping to safeguard customers against misinformation and false claims made by other moissanite providers,” said Charles & Colvard CEO Don O’Connell.  

The new report, called Forever One, will be available in a limited capacity from the week of May 27. Later this year, consumers will be able to purchase finished jewelry mounted with IGI-certified moissanite stones from Charles & Colvard. 

“This development underscores IGI’s commitment to supporting our industry with detailed, accurate assessments,” said IGI North America president Avi Levy. “It demonstrates our dedication to reinforcing consumer trust in all of the gemstone products they purchase.” 

Image: Moissanite stones from Charles & Colvard. (IGI)

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IGI to Issue Grading Reports for Moissanite

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