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Graff Hit by Ransomware Attack

November 1, 2021  |  Joshua Freedman

RAPAPORT… Graff has become the victim of a cyberattack, with criminals gaining access to personal data belonging to some of the luxury jeweler’s clients.

Outsiders leaked 69,000 confidential documents, including files related to celebrities and world leaders, The Mail on Sunday reported. Russian hacking gang Conti is behind the theft and is demanding “millions of pounds” in ransom money, the UK newspaper said.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK’s data regulator, confirmed that it had received a report of a ransomware attack from Graff.

“Regrettably, we, in common with a number of other businesses, have recently been the target of a sophisticated — though limited — cyberattack by professional and determined criminals,” a Graff spokesperson told Rapaport News Sunday. “We were alerted to their intrusive activity by our security systems, allowing us to react swiftly and shut down our network.”

Only a small number of customers had their information compromised to the extent that they were at risk of identity theft, a source closed to the London-based brand said. In most cases, the breach involved basic, publicly available data, the source added.

Graff has spoken to the affected customers and advised them what to do, the spokesperson continued, noting that the company was able to restart its systems within days, with no irretrievable loss of data.

“Sadly, it appears that notable brands, corporates and even government departments are deliberately targeted by unscrupulous operators in an effort to extort money, cause disruption, or simply [cause] embarrassment,” the spokesperson commented. 

Image: Graff’s flagship store on New Bond Street, London. (Graff)


Graff Hit by Ransomware Attack

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