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GEMTalks Addresses the Intricacies of Grading Mounted Gemstones

September 25, 2024  |  Rapaport News
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This episode of Rapaport’s GEMTalks series will feature a discussion on assessing the 4Cs of gemstones mounted in jewelry with special guests John Pollard of the International Gemological Institute (IGI) and Mark Reyes. 

Pollard, senior director of education at IGI, and graduate gemologist Reyes will speak with Rapaport’s Leah Meirovich about how grading mounted gemstones can be more challenging than dealing with loose stones, and the best ways to approach this for the most accurate results. Sponsored by IGI, the LinkedIn Live session will offer advice on how to identify impurities hidden by prongs and understanding how to disregard settings when judging clarity. 

The two experts will also touch on whether stones should be removed from jewelry before grading, and why the same stone may get a different grade loose than mounted. How do settings like bezel, which largely obscure the diamond, affect what a grader sees?

“Jewelry Grading: Assessing the 4Cs of Mounted Gemstones” will take place on Tuesday, October 1, at 10 a.m. EDT.

This episode of the GEMTalks LinkedIn Live is sponsored by IGI — the International Gemological Institute. Protect your business, your clients, and the industry with IGI’s screening and verification services.

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