Sarine Launches Melee-Diamond Tracking Program

Sarine building in Hod Hasharon Israel 1280 USED 100223

Sarine Technologies has unveiled a new system that traces the origins of melee diamonds and establishes a link between the rough and polished.

The system — which Sarine created in partnership with French jeweler Rubel & Ménasché — measures the diamonds in the rough stage and follows them through the cutting and polishing phases, the Israel-based company said Monday.

Sarine first uses its Autoscan Plus system to register parcels with large quantities of diamonds, then carries out planning and quality-control measurements throughout the manufacturing process, it explained.

The company ran a pilot with one of Rubel & Ménasché’s melee suppliers, testing the solution’s feasibility across various diamond types and cutting processes. The pilot confirmed that the system could cost-effectively trace large quantities of melee, Sarine reported.

“The introduction of a scientific traceability solution for melee diamonds is an important milestone,” said Rubel & Ménasché chief product officer Joey Lager. “Our successful collaboration with Sarine is a testament to this, and I am convinced of its transformative impact on the industry.”

Image: The Sarine headquarters in Hod Hasharon, Israel. (Sarine Technologies)

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Sarine Launches Melee-Diamond Tracking Program

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