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Jewelers Helping Jewelers Launches Sister Site for Support

July 6, 2023  |  Leah Meirovich
Jewelers Supporting Jewelers without graphics

Facebook site Jewelers Helping Jewelers (JHJ) has unveiled a second group enabling victims of crime to share experiences and advice.

JHJ creator Aleah Arundale launched Jewelers Supporting Jewelers after she came across a store owner who was dealing with the emotional and mental repercussions of a past robbery. That encounter underlined the importance of being able to share information and receive support from others who have experienced similar situations, she said Wednesday.

“The greatest comfort is talking to others who not only survived, but now thrive,” Arundale explained. “Sharing techniques that helped them cope with the trauma of a robbery is the greatest support we can give to one another.”

The new group provides a safe space for jewelers to air concerns and learn from each other, she noted. Some members will have questions and need help, while others will be able to give personal perspectives.

“Jewelers Supporting Jewelers is a place all jewelers can feel comfortable and safe discussing their experiences,” Arundale added. “Together we are stronger. Together we are safer.”

Image: The staff of Andrew Z Diamonds & Fine Jewelry, who were an inspiration for the new group. (Aleah Arundale)


Jewelers Supporting Jewelers without graphics Jewelers Helping Jewelers Launches Sister Site for Support

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