Fancy-Color Price Index Continues Growth

Fancy Vivid Yellow Diamond Ring FCRF 1280 USED 081023

The average price of fancy-color diamonds continued to climb in all categories in the second quarter, led by a resurgence in demand for large fancy-vivid yellows, according to the Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF).

The group’s Fancy Color Diamond Index gained 0.5% compared with the previous three months, it reported last week. The increase was seen in nearly all colors and sizes.

The highest rise for the second quarter was in the fancy-vivid grade at 1.2%. The other two saturation categories, fancy and fancy intense, showed a combined improvement below 0.3%. Yellows posted a notable jump of 1.3%, while pinks and blues increased by 0.2%.

“The first six months of 2023 were intriguing,” said FCRF board member Eden Rachminov. “We experienced notable spikes in certain subcategories within the yellow category, particularly in the intense and vivid grades with a high inner grade. Meanwhile, the blue and pink categories remained stable. If the world economy continues to maintain its positive momentum, we can anticipate…robust price behavior after the summer.”

The strongest categories in the second quarter were 8-carat, fancy-vivid-yellow diamonds, which spiked by 5.4%, followed by 1.5-carat vivid pinks, which grew 3.2%. Vivid pinks weighing 1 carat advanced 3.1%.

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Main image: A ring with a 20.25-carat, fancy-vivid-yellow, internally flawless diamond that appeared at a Phillips Hong Kong auction in July 2020. (Phillips)

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Fancy-Color Price Index Continues Growth

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